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About Us

Welcome to GhostInvestigationGroups.Com, what is sure to become America’s premier and most comprehensive paranormal directory.

All investigative and hunting groups are welcome to list their services here in hopes that those in need of your services anywhere throughout the country will be able to find you. Your listing is free and should be renewed every 8 to 12 months to help maintain active and ongoing organizations and services. Also, once you have created your account, please check back within 48 hours to be sure you have a photograph representing your account.

GhostInvestigationGroups.Com does not judge any paranormal organization and accepts all submissions regardless of dark or light vibrational beliefs.

To submit your organization kindly click on this link-

GhostInvestigationGroups.Com is a free service listing paranormal organizations and psychic services. We have been online since March 2016. I began this free use paranormal search directory because I found other sites either didn’t update their information or would not include everyone whom wished to add their paranormal organization. Please support us by adding your organization and spread the word about us. Thank you very kindly in advance.

If you are looking for a paranormal organization, please click on this link-

If you need to contact us, kindly contact us at:

And check us out on Facebook:

Thank You & Best Wishes to Everyone,
